Let's make our communities more inclusive and bring the joy of Shabbat and communal life to everyone with learning disabilities.
Welcome to JWeb’s Inclusive Jewish Prayer Books. Follow the links below to find free online resources which are designed to inspire and support inclusion in synagogues. Our Inclusion Campaign includes downloadable copies of our accessible Siddurim, training videos and practical toolkits, packed with ideas and inspiration. You can choose from United Synagogue and Reform versions of the Shabbat Siddur.
Our Siddurim are available as hard-back books to purchase or to download for free as pdfs which you can customise.
Our campaign is the result of research and consultation with learning disability professionals, rabbis, parents, carers and people with learning disabilities. Please spread the word by encouraging everyone to take a look. Community is at the heart of what we do. Join us in making communal life inclusive for everyone.

Siddur Lakol
Siddur Lakol, ‘A Siddur for Everyone’, is a tailor-made United Synagogue prayer book produced in partnership with JWeb working in collaboration with Gesher School and Kisharon and with the endorsement of Norwood and Langdon. It features clear print with simplified translations, PECS symbols and accessible transliteration of core prayers. A particular focus has been made on the Kabbalat Shabbat Service, as a number of United Synagogue communities, pioneering inclusive services, have found these services successful.
The JWeb Accessible Siddur
The JWeb Accessible Siddur presents songs and prayers in a stimulating way using simple explanations of the prayers, PECS symbols, phonetics, Hebrew and English. The siddur has been endorsed by the Movement for Reform Judaism, and is used by many synagogues in their inclusive Shabbat services. To help communities to become more inclusive JWeb produced a film of a model Shabbat service with Finchley Reform Synagogue which can be found in our resources pack.
Mill Hill Synagogue’s
Shabbat of Inclusivity
On Shabbat 2nd November 2019, Mill Hill United Synagogue held a Shabbat where we learnt about meeting the needs of everyone that attends our Shul.